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Policy Innovation Summit 2024

Think Tank

2022 Political Trends

Policy, with a fresh eye.

Politics as you know it is over. It must reconnect with its deepest source: the meeting of preferences.

The Political Agenda (TPA) is an invitation to embrace that shift by connecting a new generation of leaders.

Are you one of them?

Words of introduction

Introduction address

In today’s word ever growing complexity, no man alone can handle the variety of trends, influences and possibilities that are coming our way. Sooner or later, we will have to be supported by powerful algorithms to build our most crucial decisions.

Governance is also on the verge of a fundamental renewal. With growing movements such as libertarianism that position preferences in the center of any decision, we are urged to design the fittest system to organize societies.

That is why I want you to become the vanguard of a new generation of policymakers.

Timothée R, Executive Director

‘Everything is Political.’

Whatever you do encompasses a specific vision for our common future.

High-stakes exclusive

We believe in a world of individual priorities that define global priorities. That is why we will always adopt a bottom-up and future generation oriented approach to our activities before starting up any inititive. 

Culture of possibility

We are building a creative world, where everyone is equipped with a vivid imagination. Why? Because what is truely human is the ability to imagine and most importantly shape its very own individual and collective stories.

Excellence standards

In the age of open knowledge, we believe that competence matters. Being proficient at some discipline is the guarantee that you are able to connect to this world and we advocate for a skilful world as a path to fulfilment.

Policy research: where to look?

Your active watch regarding ongoing Policies is necessary if you want to keep in touch with insiders. In this section you will find a consolidated view of trending policies.

Policy design: the inverted pyramid.

Best practices to design Policies are stored in this section. We believe policymakers technicity is crucial for the world’s ability to claim its future.

Public affairs: how to connect key players?

Governance relies on a diversity of mechanisms. One of them are Public Affairs or the art of engaging stakeholders around a collective action plan. 

Multilateralism: follow the revolution!

Global cooperation is necessary to adress systemic challenges. This division focuses on the efficiency of multilateral projects.

Policy, reinvented.

We bring a new experience of policymaking to international affairs professionals.

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Explore our value system.

Below is the system we promote. Change our mind if you can.

Discover our pick on modern philosophy Preference Utilitarianism

Preference Utilitarianism is the value system that considers that there are no “good” or “bad”, only preferences. That is what we believe. Each person remains its very own jurisdiction. And well, let’s add a bit of sustainability in that definition. 

Why Policy Algorithms shall soon become the new Politicians

Take as an example the Finance Industry or Journalism. All of these industries are now algorithm-based. And it will not stop there. They sure are coming for ethics and politics. We are entering an era of total responsibility.

Policy Innovation Summit 2024

Come meet the vanguard of global policymakers.

“Possibly the most opportunity-wise convention in my career!”

Zania De La Guerranderie

International Affairs Consultant

“The Political Agenda revived my perception of politics. It feels like back in the days, when I was just starting my career. Except now I have the means for my ambitions.”

Joel Zraket

Economics Teacher